Monday, December 27, 2010

What better way to start the day?

When I got dressed this morning, I thought to myself, "Alyssa, is your dress/tunic thing too short for work?" I rationalized that it wasn't be A) it passed the fingertip test, B) it had a high neckline, and C) I was wearing two pairs of opaque leggings and flat boots, so even if it was a tad short, I was going all-out conservative with the rest of my outfit.

Apparently, Portland didn't think so! Correction: One man I passed in the street didn't think so. I was crossing an intersection, and I made eye contact with a man who was walking the opposite way. ROOKIE WALKING MISTAKE. Never make eye contact with strangers. I have this terrible lack of self-awareness where even though I can see a person perfectly, I'm convinced they can't see me. I hear him mumble (while looking at me) "going to work?", and then scream "WHOREHOUSE!!"

I'm not kidding. Some random man screamed "whorehouse" at me two blocks away from my actual place of work. Which is, for the record, not a brothel. Even though I was mildly offended (and more just taken aback, as I always am when people YELL AT ME), I couldn't help but think that my professional life might be a little more interesting if I was a lady of the night. Le sigh.


Rebecca said...

Ahhh yes. I remember when I went to a bar in Boystown with the Eisenach clan (prior to Nick puttin' a ring on it) and some random lady came up out of nowhere and roundhouse kicked me in the thigh. And then proceeded to YELL that I just got owned by the night.

It must be something in our blood....we attract strangers to yell, punch, or kick us FOR NO REASON.

For the record, you're not a whore. A madame perhaps, but not a whore.

margaret said...

wow. I mean...that brings a whole new vision to the idea of a "sexy librarian"...what if we all just dress like we work in whorehouses? :) I HARDLY think your outfit was anything to scoff fact, I bet that man was just another "Portland nut job".

margaret said...

wow. I mean...that brings a whole new vision to the idea of a "sexy librarian"...what if we all just dress like we work in whorehouses? :) I HARDLY think your outfit was anything to scoff fact, I bet that man was just another "Portland nut job".