I love Rihanna. Seriously, "Breakin' Dishes" (which doesn't seem to have gotten as much credit as it should have) is one of the greatest break-up songs that I've ever listened to. Now, Lil' Miss Ri has gone through a lot in the past couple of years, and she's certainly come out on the other side more adventurous, sassy, and technicolored. Honestly, girlfriend cannot stop dying her hair and looking like she just left a Jamaican dancehall. More power to her, but D-AMN. This candid was taken from the set of the video for her song "What's my Name" with that Drake character.
SIDENOTE: Sorry, but I hate that song. I really, really want to like it, but Drake sounds way more robotic than I remember, and the song just BLOWS. Yeah, I was born to write in-depth pop music reviews for Spin.
Anyway, I can deal with the weird, control-top-pantyhose-colored biking shorts, and the Cosby-sweater-print shorts. And the Beetlejuice blazer. But what I can't get over? How she managed to dye her hair to match the exact color of her fascinator. Or maybe she found the perfect fascinator to go with her already-colored mane? Looks like we've got ourselves an fashion twist on the ever-popular "what came first--the chicken or the egg?" scenario.
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