Too sad.
Fast forward to yesterday, when the lovely library coordinator for Bitch Magazine e-mails me to see if she should close the library so that instead of volunteering there, I could go to a swap they were co-hosting with Planned Parenthood. UM, YES PLZ. So, I scampered home--as I'm known to do when greeted with details of an unknown swap--and gathered some old (to me) clothes in a bag. I hopped on my bike, and off I was to a life-changing event.
OK, maybe it wasn't life-changing, but for $7 (and a bag of old clothes), I got cupcakes and other treats, champagne (if I had only remembered my ID!), and a chance to grab tons of stuff. What was nice was that everyone was fairly civil, even nice. I went in expecting the worst--people throwing elbows, spitting on something to claim it, tripping me--and I got the best! A girl even told me "um, you have to take that shirt. Because it'll look cute on you, and if you put it down, I will totally take it." Honesty at its finest!
All in all, I can't wait to go to another swap. Yes, I understand that they're temperamental, but I got quite lucky this time around, and it turns out that I do an OK job of figuring out if something will fit me just by looking at it. That's a skill that's almost as valuable as being able to properly manage your finances, or crack a code to find out where some national treasure is being hidden.
1 comment:
I adore swaps! got some awesome things last time. Great post :)
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