Monday, March 8, 2010

Project Successful-Way

I wanted to call this "Project FunWay!", but that sounds odd. Project Successful-Way sounds far more natural.

Aight, so I know that this is the second post of the day. Nay, not just the second post of the day, but the second post about the OSCARS. Cut me some slack, friends. For me, the Oscars telecast is as fun as a birthday party held in a bowling alley. SO FUN. Like a bowling alley b-day bash, I look forward to it all year.

Back on track. It took Michelle LeD's (forgive me for doing that to your name, dear), comment on the last post to make me realize that HOLY CRAP, I didn't write about Meryl Streep's dress. Somehow, the world is still rotating on its axis, but in case the cosmos notice my absent commentary, I'm here to remedy that now. Lady Streep looked diviiiiiiine. I mean, OK...she didn't really do anything different, per say, but the name "Meryl" is synonomous with "So talented! But almost always looks like a hot mess at award shows. God bless her." So, the fact that she showed up in something age-appropriate (yay for covered arms and classy clevage!), slightly daring (ooo, all-white! Lookin' like a classy cast member of Dynasty!", and fun (A zebra-motif cuff! A Swarovski crystal bag with a built-in handle!" is worth way more than an Oscar to that woman.

But the real cool thing? Her dress was a Chris March design! Remember, that guy from Project Runway (Season 4) that always finished his designs early so that he could nap? It turns out that he's one of the more successful (read: working) designers from the show. Congratulations, Chris!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can call me Michelle LeD anytime... as long as you are writing wonderfully witty posts about the true love of my life ;) She DID look beyond perfect. I'm glad Vinny approved.