Thursday, November 11, 2010

A neck library! What I've never wanted.

Wowzers. This is...quite the piece. I'm not sure why I would expect anything less from the "For the Collectors" section on the Anthropologie website. Also, know that I say that with a snooty British accent. Since I'm in grad school for library science, it makes complete sense for me to own this. However, since it's $498 and I'm in grad school, it makes absolute no sense for me to even think about owning it. So, instead, I put it on the ol' blog. Enjoy!

1 comment:

sartoriography said...

I could see one of those being cute. I mean, who doesn't want a book on a necklace?! Well, okay, it might make someone who's illiterate uncomfortable. But you know what I mean.

10 of those things? No. You're asking for some trauma or just some ugliness. What was Anthropologie thinking?!