See, when I don't blog for weeks, it's not because I'm uninspired or forgetful--I'm just keeping the blog special! If I did it with any regularity, it would just be a letdown, right? I vote yes.
In the past few weeks, it was confirmed that A) Natalie Portman DID wear a (terribly boring) purple Rodarte dress to the Oscars, B) I don't do well when my computer gets a virus and it takes longer than 24 hours to prepare, C) I am able to get a second job (in a library, too! Yippee skippee!), and D) Portland's gre(a)y weather is getting to me.
When I lived in IL, I loved a good rainy day. It was a nice excuse to not do anything and eat warm food while huddled under a blanket. Unfortunately, when you have 280-odd days of rain/gre(a)y weather a year, not doing anything and eating warm food while huddled under a blanket all the time is called a deep depression. Rats. To cure this, I'm trying to jump on the bandwagon of seasonal brights. Who doesn't love a good
Honeysuckle, Pantone's 2011 color of the year! Sidenote: How I would LOVE to sit in on these meetings, debating the merits of kumquat over turquat, or whatever they choose to name their official colors.
So far, transitioning my wardrobe of largely black, grey, taupe, and sometimes red (pow! a pop of color!) is proving to be a little difficult, but I have hope that I'll soon be looking like
Carmen Miranda. I just need an extra banana.