Thursday, October 28, 2010

Currently wanting: EVERYTHING

I've often remarked about what a good little consumer I am. However, when it comes down to it, I don't really buy all that many clothes. I know my mom is reading this and probably cracking up, but Mumsies, it's true! More often than not, I'm too fraught with guilt to buy anything that costs more than $3 unless it's something for the homestead. That being said, ALL I WANT TO BUY IS EVERYTHING I SEE, CLOTHES-WISE. Seriously. I have no idea what's wrong with me, besides the fact that I have "no-money-but-think-I'm-rich-itis," and therefore have elaborate wish lists.

All that being said, I really want this leopard blanket/scarf thing from Urban Outfitters. Someone is trying to tell me not to even talk about it though, because I can't get a good picture of it AND I'm having trouble linking to it. First-world problems! Even if I was rich, I'd think that dropping $38 on a scarf was utter madness, but it doesn't stop the snuggie-wearer in me from wanting to traipse around Portland in a chic blanket.

Phew! Really feels better to get that off my chest.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

As promised...muffins.

So, since fall finally graced Portland with it's presence around the start of the month, I've decided that baking is going to be my new "thing." Deciding it and making it a reality are two very different things, but muffins have helped take me from "ah! The oven is on fire! No wait, it's just pre-heating" to "what's that delightful smell wafting from my kitchen? Oh yeah. MUFFINS."

I made an unremarkable pumpkin muffin a few weeks ago--note to everyone: unless you've just had three heart attacks, DO NOT substitute applesauce for butter. It makes for terrible texture and taste. And for the record, my mom's told me this approximately 50 times--and I got into the swing of things with a delightful batch of banana chocolate chip muffins and pumpkin chocolate chip muffins. I think the key here is adding chocolate chips to whatever I'm baking. Also, don't you love how ridiculously ghetto that muffin site looks? Whatever, it's how I roll. I meant to try whoopie pies last weekend, but I decided that sleeping, cleaning, and homework had to take priority. This will be remedied soon.

And now for the fashion tie-in--there's nothing that makes a slouchy cardigan and a pair of leggings look better than a plate of muffins.

Lastly, let's not get too attached to this new blog template I've got here. It makes me feel like I'm writing in a creamsicle. Tweaks to come!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Because weeks should always be themed.

I promise, musings on muffins and librarians are coming shortly. Wow, that sentence makes me sound quite boring. But I swear, my writing prowess will keep you on the edge of your seat about these topics.

However, I'd like to kick off this week by letting you in on a little fashion project I've conducted the past two weeks at work: THEMES. It's like on Arrested Development when Lindsay tries to convince Michael and Gob that "BEADS!" are the best idea she's had yet for a career. Anywho, I'm always very nervous when I first start a job, even though I've had jobs that didn't always require me to be on my A-game. Like, no one was going to totally flip out if I messed up their sundae at Oberweis or if I failed to properly check out their library the library. As I grow older though (being the sage 23-year-old I am), I just keep piling the non-necessary pressure on myself.

So, how to deal? Theme fashion weeks! Because I had a little bit of a crazy first half of the month, I decided to ease into things last week with a "black-and-white" theme. Truman Capote would have been proud, I just know it. And this week? "Color Me Wild!" I'm wearing lots of colors, and could have just said "Crayola week" or something like that, but I have a not-so-secret desire to get into the make-up-naming business, and like to hone my skills whenever I can. Since I've exhausted the basic themes, the next 48ish weeks will be a little more of a challenge (my job is a year-long contract gig. Ooo! I said gig! I'm a grown-up.), but I think I'm up for it.