Monday, May 17, 2010


It's mah b-day today! I'm officially 23, the only age more pointless than 14 (seriously, think about it. 13 was cool because you were finally a "teen," and 15 meant that you were only a year away from possibly starring on MTV in My Super Sweet Sixteen. Yeah. 14's lookin' pretty stupid.)

What really matters about today isn't age, though. What matters is listening to this song and being gifted with glorious things. Yes, things! Things are great. Unlike that song, which is sort of crappy. Even for me.

Yesterday, my sister, brother-in-law, and nephew all came over to celebrate the fact that I got born. I opened up a card from my sis and b-i-l (God, I'm lazy), and saw a picture of the NO SLEEP TILL BROOKLYN BANGLE.

That's right. Let that sink in for a moment.

Waves of happiness were experienced. Wave 1: Aww, my sister reads my blog! That's so neat/nice!

Wave 2: HOLY SHIT THIS IS THE ONLY THING I'VE EVER WANTED TO OWN. Obviously, I exagerrate, but not as much as you're thinking.

Wave 3: Aww, she took time to wade through all of the ridiculous things that I post and choose the one thing that's gotten me more excited than even a parade of trannies could.

Love, love, love.

1 comment:

REBECCA said...

Oh didn't I tell you? A parade of trannies will be delivering said bangle to you when it is available for purchase.