Tuesday, September 28, 2010


That title couldn't have less to do with this post if it tried. I've recently made my boyfriend start watching The Wire (so that I could have an excuse to watch the whole thing again), so I tend to use a lot of drug terms that I don't understand throughout the day. But I do know what a re-up is! It's a refill on drugs. So, consider this your refill on my fashion musings.

I've been gone for awhile, it's true. School has gotten a little busy, I'm starting a new part-time job, volunteering, and hanging out with fun people while doing even fun-er things. I tend to live life on the cynical edge, but all in all, I'm sort of in love with life right now. However, this leaves me with little time to talk to the internet about clothes, and that's awful. I love this little blog, and I love clothes even more, so in the spirit of Kevin Michael Christy (who's blogging again, CHECK HIM ON THE SIDEBAR), I'm renewing my commitment to this here blog. Until I take another leave of absence.

So, what's the specific occasion that's brought me back? THIS BRACELET ARRIVED IN THE MAIL. That's right, bitches. My birthday present from my lovely sister came to Portland this morning, and I couldn't be more thrilled. I'm going to rock it to sleep every night before putting it in the velvet pouch and brightly colored box it came in.

Stay tuned for thoughts on librarian fashion, muffins, and autumn. It'll be grand!

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