Monday, October 18, 2010

Because weeks should always be themed.

I promise, musings on muffins and librarians are coming shortly. Wow, that sentence makes me sound quite boring. But I swear, my writing prowess will keep you on the edge of your seat about these topics.

However, I'd like to kick off this week by letting you in on a little fashion project I've conducted the past two weeks at work: THEMES. It's like on Arrested Development when Lindsay tries to convince Michael and Gob that "BEADS!" are the best idea she's had yet for a career. Anywho, I'm always very nervous when I first start a job, even though I've had jobs that didn't always require me to be on my A-game. Like, no one was going to totally flip out if I messed up their sundae at Oberweis or if I failed to properly check out their library the library. As I grow older though (being the sage 23-year-old I am), I just keep piling the non-necessary pressure on myself.

So, how to deal? Theme fashion weeks! Because I had a little bit of a crazy first half of the month, I decided to ease into things last week with a "black-and-white" theme. Truman Capote would have been proud, I just know it. And this week? "Color Me Wild!" I'm wearing lots of colors, and could have just said "Crayola week" or something like that, but I have a not-so-secret desire to get into the make-up-naming business, and like to hone my skills whenever I can. Since I've exhausted the basic themes, the next 48ish weeks will be a little more of a challenge (my job is a year-long contract gig. Ooo! I said gig! I'm a grown-up.), but I think I'm up for it.

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