Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mean reds.

OOOO DAMN, I am in a mood today. Yup, after not blogging for forever, I've decided to end my radio silence with "God guys, I'm in such a shitty mood."

While I'm trying to help it, (cue whining voice), it's hard to do that! I think it's a mix of a bunch of things (most of which mainly concern my job), but I also get in a funk whenever I ignore my blog. I still read all of the blogs on my blogroll, of course, but during the summer months, I can't really stand getting dressed, and as a result, all of my writing inspiration goes out the window. With fall coming though, and with the start of school for both me and my boyfriend, I feel like I'll get some of the fantastic "back-to-school" outfit excitement that I missed out on last year. I plan on wearing at least one plaid skirt, and I'm going to try to get my boyfriend to dress like a 1920s newspaper boy. IT'S GONNA BE GREAT.

However, since I can't stay in a bad mood until September, I'm going to try and look pretty today. Life-changing goal, right? Awhile back, I found a silky Christian Dior blouse at Goodwill and snatched it up for $4. I'm thinking that, paired with my pinky-mauvey-what color ARE you skirt that I've worn to death plus a few things called huge jewels and make-up will be a first step toward a thrillingly good mood.


Anonymous said...

Missed your writes! Glad you're back.

Anonymous said...

Как говорилось на Вот решила позвать домработницу на помощь. Муж не может помочь абсолютно, кроме всего прочего уже не будет этого делать. А я просто устала. Есть такие у кто обзавелся платными помощницами? Сколько вы за это платите и где вы их нашли? и еще, как Ваш муж отреагировал на то, что в дом будет приплестись посторонняя тетя