So, I went to Target last night with my dearest friend Sanja. This was such a huge mistake. You see, as I've said at least five times before, I'm trying not to spend as much money since I'm moving soon. This is incredibly difficult for me. I'll share this anecdote try to and illuminate this point.
I graduated from college approximately one year ago, and I was one of the lucky souls to find a full-time salaried job in my field. In hindsight, I should have been WAYYYY more suspicious than I was then of my good luck. Anywho, since I was still living rent-free with my parents (which I'm realizing more and more was the biggest luxury ever), I was confused as to what to do with these things called "paychecks for more than $200."
Yeah, I'm not stupid. I have a savings account, and I dutifully deposited a certain amount of each paycheck into said account. But I still had monies leftover. And I lack two wonderful virtues: patience and the ability to have money NOT burn a hole in my pocket. So I would buy $50 worth of
cheap jewelry or another pair of shoes or something unnecessary like that.
After leaving said job several months ago and going "ruh roh!" many times about no longer having decent paychecks, I decided to be smarter about my spending and you know, not do it as much. This is like a cocaine addict waking up in his/her own feces and deciding that they're going to lay off the blow and start running 5 miles every day. Translation: NOT EASY, PALS.
Since Target is the mecca of all things good and beautiful in the world (and a place where I have a difficult time leaving without at least $20 worth of goods) it's sort of like leading that now-athletic recovering addict into a crack den and saying "I'll be right back! Try not to sniff anything, K?" Sorry for the extended metaphor. I'm also trying to kick a mean drug habit.
However, I like spending time with my ladyfriend, and since we'll soon be doing different things with our lives in different places, trips to the shopping crack den are numbered. Therefore, I went. And OHMYGOD WHY DO CUTE CLOTHES/ACCESSORIES EXIST? I know this is technically a fashion blog, but seriously. I freak out if I buy clothes that cost more than $10 lately.
First of all, there's
this. Stripes AND sequins? My two biggest sartorial weaknesses. I would wear it everywhere except for a prison visit, lest I be mistaken for a fabulous inmate.
I think
Zac Posen is cute as a button. And this
dress is pretty as a posie.
Every now and then, I like
subtle jewelry.
Um, hi. Mauve is my favorite color. EVERY
Like the good little spendthrift I'm trying to be though, I left empty-handed and full of shopping frustration/plans to try every "get rich quick" hoax I'd ever heard of.